Giving up is one skill you must acquire, if you want to live and stay relevant in the journey to success.
But, you cant afford to GIVE IN!

The day you Give In is the moment you become a total Failure in Life… So Who says DON’T GIVE UP! Giving Up is a craft every man must learn to possess… Really, it is the surest path to live a successful and peaceful life. 

I know I’ll be puncturing your conventional thoughts now… The human mind which still struggles to come in terms with the fact that it is a formidable act to Give Up! Needs to understand that even the Creator of all Things —GOD… is a practitioner of this wonderful act… as "he" notably gave up is only begotten Son for the sake of mankind. 

We live in a world where you must GIVE UP something so as to move on with What Next — the most important question for any success driven person. 
The moment you continue holding on to something that has refused to yield result and particularly irrelevant — then your progress in life is vague and uncertain but your stagnancy is sure. 

Many of the ”G.O.A.T” celebrated today all 'gave up' on something to acquire the WHAT NEXT! As the likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson (FOUNDER OF Virgin Atlantic) Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell… all let go of one thing or the other to finding inspiration in something else — they believe to be more important to Move with, in life. 
Look within, without sentiments or any form of pity; You'll find out, you need to GIVE UP on whatever as refused to yield positive results in your life… be it, Business, Relationships, Habits, Place of Worship... You might even need to give up family members who don't believe in you, Give up on begging, heavy smoking, stupor drinking, prostitution, stealing, backbiting et'all... 

After all, never GIVE IN!!! They are two Powerful words with different meaning.
Never GIVE IN is a champ word to never give in to defeat, failure, addiction etc... Rather unplug negative vibes so as to remain POSITIVE


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